Authz0 is an automated authorization test tool. Unauthorized access can be identified based on URLs and Roles & Credentials.
URLs and Roles are managed as YAML-based templates, which can be automatically created and added through authz0. You can also test based on multiple authentication headers and cookies with a template file created/generated once.
Key Features
- Generate scan template
$ authz0 new
- Include URLs
- Include Roles
- Include ZAP history (Select URLS > Save Selected Entiries as HAR)
- Include Burp history (Select URLs > Save item)
- Include HAR file
- Easy modify scan template (Role, URL)
$ authz0 setUrl
$ authz0 setRole
authz0 setCred
- Scanning authorization(access-control) with template
$ authz0 scan
go install
brew tap hahwul/authz0
brew install authz0
Need more information? please refer to installation guide
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
new Generate new template
scan Scanning
setCred Append Credential to Template
setRole Append Role to Template
setUrl Append URL to Template
version Show version
1. Generate template
authz0 new <filename> [flags]
authz0 new target.yaml --include-urls urls.txt
authz0 new target.yaml --include-zap zapurls.har
authz0 new target.yaml --include-burp burpurl.xml
2. Modify template
authz0 setCred <filename> [flags]
authz0 setRole <filename> [flags]
authz0 setUrl <filename> [flags]
authz0 setUrl target.yaml setUrl -u
authz0 setRole target.yaml -n User1
authz0 setCred target.yaml -n User1 -H "X-API-Key: 1234" -H "TestHeader: 12344"
3. Scanning
authz0 scan <filename> [flags]
authz0 scan target.yaml
authz0 scan target.yaml -r TestUser1 -H "Cookie: 1234=1234" -H "X-API-Key: 1234555"
Please use discussions actively!
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
Authz0's open-source project and made it with
if you want contribute this project, please see and Pull-Request with cool your contents.
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