An interrupt is a signal emitted by hardware or software when a process or an event needs immediate attention. It alerts the processor to a high-priority process requiring interruption of the current working process. In I/O devices, one of the bus control lines is dedicated for this purpose and is called the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR).
When a device raises an interrupt at the process, the processor first completes the execution of an instruction. Then it loads the Program Counter (PC) with the address of the first instruction of the ISR. Before loading the program counter with the address, the address of the interrupted instruction is moved to a temporary location. Therefore, after handling the interrupt, the processor can continue with the process.
While the processor is handling the interrupts, it must inform the device that its request has been recognized to stop sending the interrupt request signal. Also, saving the registers so that the interrupted process can be restored in the future increases the delay between the time an interrupt is received and the start of the execution of the ISR. This is called Interrupt Latency.

A single computer can perform only one computer instruction at a time. But, because it can be interrupted, it can manage how programs or sets of instructions will be performed. This is known as multitasking. It allows the user to do many different things simultaneously, and the computer turns to manage the programs that the user starts. Of course, the computer operates at speeds that make it seem like all user tasks are being performed simultaneously.
An operating system usually has some code that is called an interrupt handler. The interrupt handler prioritizes the interrupts and saves them in a queue if more than one is waiting to be handled. The operating system has another little program called a scheduler that figures out which program to control next.
Types of Interrupt
Interrupt signals may be issued in response to hardware or software events. These are classified as hardware interrupts or software interrupts, respectively.

1. Hardware Interrupts
A hardware interrupt is a condition related to the state of the hardware that may be signaled by an external hardware device, e.g., an interrupt request (IRQ) line on a PC, or detected by devices embedded in processor logic to communicate that the device needs attention from the operating system. For example, pressing a keyboard key or moving a mouse triggers hardware interrupts that cause the processor to read the keystroke or mouse position.
Hardware interrupts can arrive asynchronously for the processor clock and at any time during instruction execution. Consequently, all hardware interrupt signals are conditioned by synchronizing them to the processor clock and act only at instruction execution boundaries.
In many systems, each device is associated with a particular IRQ signal. This makes it possible to quickly determine which hardware device is requesting service and expedite servicing of that device.
On some older systems, all interrupts went to the same location, and the OS used specialized instruction to determine the highest priority unmasked interrupt outstanding. On contemporary systems, there is generally a distinct interrupt routine for each type of interrupt or each interrupts source, often implemented as one or more interrupt vector tables. Hardware interrupts are further classified into two types, such as:
- Maskable Interrupts:Processors typically have an internal interrupt mask register which allows selective enabling and disabling of hardware interrupts. Each interrupt signal is associated with a bit in the mask register; on some systems, the interrupt is enabled when the bit is set and disabled when the bit is clear, while on others, a set bit disables the interrupt. When the interrupt is disabled, the associated interrupt signal will be ignored by the processor. Signals which are affected by the mask are called maskable interrupts.
The interrupt mask does not affect some interrupt signals and therefore cannot be disabled; these are called non-maskable interrupts (NMI). NMIs indicate high priority events that need to be processed immediately and which cannot be ignored under any circumstances, such as the timeout signal from a watchdog timer.
To mask an interrupt is to disable it, while to unmask an interrupt is to enable it. - Spurious Interrupts:
A spurious interrupt is a hardware interrupt for which no source can be found. The term phantom interrupt or ghost interrupt may also use to describe this phenomenon. Spurious interrupts tend to be a problem with a wired-OR interrupt circuit attached to a level-sensitive processor input. Such interrupts may be difficult to identify when a system misbehaves.
In a wired-OR circuit, parasitic capacitance charging/discharging through the interrupt line's bias resistor will cause a small delay before the processor recognizes that the interrupt source has been cleared. If the interrupting device is cleared too late in the interrupt service routine (ISR), there won't be enough time for the interrupt circuit to return to the quiescent state before the current instance of the ISR terminates. The result is the processor will think another interrupt is pending since the voltage at its interrupt request input will be not high or low enough to establish an unambiguous internal logic 1 or logic 0. The apparent interrupt will have no identifiable source, and hence this is called spurious.
A spurious interrupt may result in system deadlock or other undefined operation if the ISR doesn't account for the possibility of such an interrupt occurring. As spurious interrupts are mostly a problem with wired-OR interrupt circuits, good programming practice in such systems is for the ISR to check all interrupt sources for activity and take no action if none of the sources is interrupting.
2. Software Interrupts
The processor requests a software interrupt upon executing particular instructions or when certain conditions are met. Every software interrupt signal is associated with a particular interrupt handler.
A software interrupt may be intentionally caused by executing a special instruction that invokes an interrupt when executed by design. Such instructions function similarly to subroutine calls and are used for various purposes, such as requesting operating system services and interacting with device drivers.
Software interrupts may also be unexpectedly triggered by program execution errors. These interrupts are typically called traps or exceptions.
Handling Multiple Devices
When more than one device raises an interrupt request signal, additional information is needed to decide which device to consider first. The following methods are used to decide which device to select first,

- Polling
In polling, the first device encountered with the IRQ bit set is to be serviced first, and appropriate ISR is called to service the same. It is easy to implement, but a lot of time is wasted by interrogating the IRQ bit of all devices. - Vectored Interrupts
In vectored interrupts, a device requesting an interrupt identifies itself directly by sending a special code to the processor over the bus. This enables the processor to identify the device that generated the interrupt. The special code can be the starting address of the ISR or where the ISR is located in memory and is called the interrupt vector. - Interrupt Nesting
In this method, the I/O device is organized in a priority structure. Therefore, an interrupt request from a higher priority device is recognized, whereas a lower priority device is not. The processor accepts interrupts only from devices/processes having priority more than it.
Processors priority is encoded in a few bits of PS (Process Status register), and it can be changed by program instructions that write into the PS. The processor is in supervised mode only while executing OS routines, and it switches to user mode before executing application programs.
Interrupt Handling
We know that the instruction cycle consists of fetch, decode, execute and read/write functions. After every instruction cycle, the processor will check for interrupts to be processed. If there is no interrupt in the system, it will go for the next instruction cycle, given by the instruction register. If there is an interrupt present, then it will trigger the interrupt handler. The handler will stop the present instruction that is processing and save its configuration in a register and load the program counter of the interrupt from a location given by the interrupt vector table.
After processing the interrupt by the processor, the interrupt handler will load the instruction and its configuration from the saved register. The process will start its processing where it's left. This saves the old instruction processing configuration, and loading the new interrupt configuration is also called context switching. There are different types of interrupt handlers.
- First Level Interrupt Handler (FLIH) is a hard interrupt handler or fast interrupt handler. These interrupt handlers have more jitter while process execution, and they are mainly maskable interrupts.
- Second Level Interrupt Handler (SLIH) is a soft interrupt handler and slow interrupt handler. These interrupt handlers have less jitter.
The interrupt handler is also called an interrupt service routine (ISR). The main features of the ISR are
- Interrupts can occur at any time, and they are asynchronous, and ISR's can call for asynchronous interrupts.
- An interrupt service mechanism can call the ISR's from multiple sources.
- ISR's can handle both maskable and non-maskable interrupts. An instruction in a program can disable or enable an interrupt handler call.
- ISR at the beginning of execution will disable other devices interrupt services. After completion of the ISR execution, it will reinitialize the interrupt services.
- The nested interrupts are allowed in ISR for diversion to other ISR.
Interrupt Latency
When an interrupt occurs, the service of the interrupt by executing the ISR may not start immediately by context switching. The time interval between the occurrence of interrupt and the start of execution of the ISR is called interrupt latency.
- Tswitch = time taken for context switch
- ΣTexec = The sum of the time interval for executing the ISR
- Interrupt Latency = Tswitch + ΣTexec
How CPU Response to Interrupts
A key point towards understanding how operating systems work understands what the CPU does when an interrupt occurs. The CPU hardware does the same for each interrupt, allowing operating systems to take control away from the currently running user process. The switching of running processes to execute code from the OS kernel is called a context switch.
CPUs rely on the data contained in a couple of registers to handle interrupts correctly. One register holds a pointer to the process control block of the currently running process, and this register is set each time a process is loaded into memory. The other register holds a pointer to a table containing pointers to the instructions in the OS kernel for interrupt handlers and system calls. The value in this register and contents of the table are set when the operating system is initialized at boot time. The CPU performs the following actions in response to an interrupt:
- Using the pointer to the current process control block, the state and all register values are saved for use when the process is later restarted.
- The CPU mode bit is switched to supervisory
- Using the pointer to the interrupt handler table and the interrupt vector, the location of the kernel code to execute is determined. The interrupt vector is the IRQ for hardware interrupts and an argument to the interrupt assembly language instruction for software interrupts.
- Processing is switched to the appropriate portion of the kernel.

The CPU uses a table and the interrupt vector to find OS the code to execute in response to interrupts. A software interrupt is shown in the below image.

As the computer runs, processing switches between user processes and the operating system as hardware and software interrupts are received.
Triggering Methods
Each interrupts signal input is designed to be triggered by either a logic signal level or a particular signal edge (level transition). Level-sensitive inputs continuously request processor service so long as a particular (high or low) logic level is applied to the input. Edge-sensitive inputs react to signal edges: a particular (rising or falling) edge will cause a service request to be latched. The processor resets the latch when the interrupt handler executes.

1. Level-triggered
A level-triggered interrupt is requested by holding the interrupt signal at its particular (high or low) active logic level. A device invokes a level-triggered interrupt by driving the signal to and holding it at the active level. It negates the signal when the processor commands it, typically after the device has been serviced.
The processor samples the interrupt input signal during each instruction cycle. The processor will recognize the interrupt request if the signal is asserted when sampling occurs.
Level-triggered inputs allow multiple devices to share a common interrupt signal via wired-OR connections. The processor polls to determine which devices are requesting service. After servicing a device, the processor may again poll and, if necessary, service other devices before exiting the ISR.
2. Edge-triggered
An edge-triggered interrupt is an interrupt signaled by a level transition on the interrupt line, either a falling edge (high to low) or a rising edge (low to high). A device wishing to signal an interrupt drives a pulse onto the line and releases it to its inactive state. If the pulse is too short to be detected by polled I/O, then special hardware may be required to detect it.
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