In the world, there are 38 species of domestic animals present. Domestic animals are raised for many purposes like meat, eggs, ploughing, research, guarding, etc. Some of these animals are described below:
1. Domestic Duck

Ducks are beautiful birds of white colors. The cluster of domestic duck is Chordata and Anseriformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic duck is Anas and its subspecies is A. P. Domesticus. Its trinomial name is Anas Platyrhynchos Domesticus.
Domestic duck is raised with the purpose of meat, feathers, guarding, manure, weed control, eggs, and ornamental. They are originated from China.
2. Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs are small in size. The cluster of the guinea pig is Chordata and Rodentia is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the guinea pig is Cavia and its species is C. porcellus. The class of guinea pig is Mammalia. Its trinomial name is Cavia porcellus.
Guinea pig is raised with the purpose of meat, manure, tusks, guarding, fighting, leather, truffle harvesting, weed control, racing, and research. Its place of origin is China and Western Asia.
3. Domestic Dog

The dog is the favourite domestic animal of many people. The cluster of the domestic dog is Chordata and Carnivora is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic dog is Canis and its species is C. l. familiaris. Its trinomial name is Canis lupus familiaris.
Domestic dogs are raised with the purpose of guarding, meat, fibre, hunting, fighting, working, rescuing, draft, sport, service, therapy, narcotics detection, guiding, truffle harvesting, policing, pest control, herding, research, leather, racing, and education. Its place of arise is China and Europe.
4. Domestic Goat

The cluster of the domestic goat is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic goat is Capra and its species is C. hircus. Its trinomial name is Capra hircus. The class of domestic goats is Mammalia.
Domestic goats are raised with the purpose of milk, fibre, skin, fighting, racing, lawn mowing, vellum, manure, weed control, horns, clearing land, guarding, and meat. Its place of arise is Iran.
5. Domestic Sheep

The cluster of domestic sheep is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic sheep is Ovis and its species is O. aries. Its trinomial name is Ovis aries. The class of domestic sheep is Mammalia.
Domestic sheep are raised with the purpose of milk, research, leather, fibre, hides, horns, pelts, vellum, guarding, manure, fighting, lawn mowing, racing, weed control, meat, and ornamental. They are originated from Anatolia and Iran.
6. Cattle

The cluster of cattle is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the cattle is Bos and its species is B. Taurus. Its trinomial name is Bos taurus. The class of cattle is Mammalia.
Cattles are raised with the purpose of milk, guarding, leather, fibre, horns, blood, ploughing, fighting, racing, draft, working, dung, soil fertilization, vellum, lawn mowing, meat, mount, and weed control. Its place of arise is China and Western Asia.
7. Domestic Cat

The cluster of the domestic cat is Chordata and Carnivora is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic cat is Felis and its species is F. catus. Its trinomial name is Felis catus. The class of domestic cats is Mammalia.
Domestic cat is raised with the purpose of pelts, show, pest control, meat, research, and pets. Its place of origin is the Near East.
8. Zebu

The cluster of zebu Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the zebu is Bos and its species is B. indicus. Its trinomial name is Bos indicus. The class of zebu is Mammalia.
Zebu is raised with the purpose of meat, leather, hides, milk, horns, racing, blood, dung, ploughing, fighting, working, draft, soil fertilization, vellum, lawn mowing, and pets. India is its place of origin.
9. Domestic Chicken

The cluster of domestic chicken is Chordata and Galliformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic chicken is Gallus and its species is G. gallus. Its trinomial name is Gallus domesticus. The class of domestic chicken is Aves.
Domestic chickens are raised with the purpose of meat, ornamental, eggs, pest control, feathers, fighting, leather, guarding, manure, alarming, racing, weed control, show, and pets. India and Southeast Asia are its place of origin.
10. Domestic Donkey

The cluster of the domestic donkey is Chordata and Perissodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic donkey is Equus and its species is E. Africanus. Its trinomial name is Equus Africanus asinus. The class of domestic donkey is Mammalia.
Domestic donkey is raised with the purpose of meat, lawn mowing, milk, guarding, manure, pack, working, show, racing, ploughing, draft, mount, weed control, and pets. Its place of origin is Nubia.
11. Dromedary

The cluster of dromedary is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the dromedary is Camelus and its species is C. dromedarius. Its trinomial name is Camelus dromedarius. The class of dromedary is Mammalia.
Dromedary is raised with the purpose of meat, show, milk, racing, urine, hunting, mount, pack, and pets. Its place of origin is Arabia and the Horn of Africa.
12. Domestic Water Buffalo

The cluster of domestic water buffalo is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic water buffalo is Bubalus and its species is B. bubalis. Its trinomial name is Bubalus bubalis. The class of domestic water buffalo is Mammalia.
Domestic water buffalo is raised with the purpose of meat, ploughing, horns, dung, milk, working, fighting, lawn mowing, racing, draft, mount, and show. Its place of arise is India, China, and the Philippines.
13. Western Honey Bee

The cluster of the western honey bee is Arthropoda and Hymenoptera is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the western honey bee is Apis and its species is A. mellifera. Its trinomial name is Apis mellifera. The class of western honey bee is Insecta.
Western honey bees are raised with the purpose of propolis, honey, wax, royal jelly, pollination, venom, pollen, research, and bee brood. North Africa is the place of their origin.
14. Domestic Horse

The cluster of a domestic horse is Chordata and Perissodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic horse is Equus and its species is E. ferus. Its trinomial name is Equus ferus caballus. The class of domestic horses is Mammalia.
Domestic horse is raised with the purpose of milk, hair, draft, manure, ploughing, racing, guiding, pack, servicing, mount, execution, fighting, working, lawn mowing, meat, weed control, and pets. It is originated from Kazakhstan.
15. Domestic Silk Moth

The cluster of domestic silk moth is Arthropoda and Lepidoptera is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic silk moth is Bombyx and its species is B. mori. Its trinomial name is Bombyx mori. The class of domestic silk moth is Insecta.
Domestic silk moth is raised with the purpose of pets, animal feed, and silk. Its place of origin is China.
16. Domestic Pigeon

The cluster of domestic pigeons is Chordata and Columbiformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic pigeon is Columba and its species is C. Livia. Its trinomial name is Columba livia domestica. The class of domestic pigeons is Aves.
This domestic pigeon is raised with the purpose of meat, racing, manure, ornamental, messenger, show, and pets. Its place of origin is Mediterranean Basin.
17. Domestic Goose

The cluster of domestic goose is Chordata and Anseriformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic goose is Anser and its species is A. anser and A. cygnoides. Its trinomial name is Anser anser domesticus. The class of domestic goose is Aves.
Domestic goose is raised with the purpose of meat, manure, feathers, guarding, pest control, eggs, weed control, show, alarming, and pets. Egypt is its place of origin.
18. Domestic Yak

The cluster of domestic yak is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic yak is Bos and its species is B. grunniens. Its trinomial name is Bos grunniens. The class of domestic yak is Mammalia.
This domestic yak is raised with the purpose of meat, horns, milk, dung, working, racing, ploughing, guarding, show, fighting, pack, mount, fibre, and pets. Its place of arise is Tibet and Nepal.
19. Domestic Bactrian Camel

The cluster of the domestic Bactrian camel is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic Bactrian camel is Camelus and its species is C. bactrianus. Its trinomial name is Camelus bactrianus. The class of domestic Bactrian camel is Mammalia.
Domestic Bactrian camel is raised with the purpose of meat, dung, milk, show, hair, pack, mount, and pets. Afghanistan is its place of origin.
20. Llama

The cluster of the llama is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The Genus of the Llama is Lama and its species is L. glama. Its trinomial name is Lama glama. The class of llama is Mammalia.
Llama is raised with the purpose of meat, weed control, manure, working, fibre, guarding, draft, racing, pack, lawn mowing, show, and pets. Its place of origin is Peru and Bolivia.
21. Alpaca

The cluster of Alpaca is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the Alpaca is Lama and its species is L. pacos. Its trinomial name is Lama pacos. The class of Alpaca is Mammalia.
Alpaca is raised with the purpose of meat, fiber, milk, guarding, manure, weed control, show, pets, and lawn mowing. It is originated from Peru and Bolivia.
22. Domestic Guineafowl

The cluster of domestic guineafowl is Chordata and Galliformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic guineafowl is Numida and its species is N. Meleagris. Its trinomial name is Numida meleagris. The class of domestic guineafowl is Aves.
This domestic guineafowl is raised with the purpose of meat, manure, pest control, guarding, alarming, show, eggs, and pets. Africa is its place of origin.
23. Domestic Ferret

The cluster of domestic ferret is Chordata and Carnivora is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic ferret is Mustela and its species is M. furo. Its trinomial name is Mustela furo. The class of domestic ferret is Mammalia.
Domestic ferret is raised with the purpose of hunting, pest control, racing, show, and pets. Its place of arise is North Africa.
24. Domestic Muscovy Duck

The cluster of domestic muscovy duck is Chordata and Anseriformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic muscovy duck is Cairina and its species is C. moschata. Its trinomial name is Cairina moschata domestica. The class of domestic muscovy duck is Aves.
Domestic muscovy ducks are raised with the purpose of meat, manure, eggs, guarding, show, feathers, pest control, and pets. South America is its place of origin.
25. Barbary Dove

The cluster of the barbary dove is Chordata and Columbiformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the barbary dove is Streptopelia and its species is S. risoria. Its trinomial name is Streptopelia risoria. The class of barbary dove is Aves.
Barbary doves are raised with the purpose of meat, show, and pets. Its place of arise is North Africa.
26. Bali Cattle

The cluster of Bali cattle is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the Bali cattle is Bos and its species is B. domesticus. Its trinomial name is Bos domesticus. The class of Bali cattle is Mammalia.
Bali cattles are raised with the purpose of meat, horns, milk, working, dung, show, ploughing, and draft. Bali and Indonesia are the place of origin of these cattles.
27. Gayal

The cluster of gayal is Chordata and Artiodactyla is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the gayal is Bos and its species is B. frontalis. Its trinomial name is Bos frontalis. The class of gayal is Mammalia.
Gayal is raised with the purpose of meat, dung, milk, and horns. Southeast Asia is its place of origin.
28. Domestic Turkey

The cluster of domestic turkey is Chordata and Galliformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic turkey is Meleagris and its species is M. gallopavo. Its trinomial name is Meleagris gallopavo domesticus. The class of domestic turkey is Aves.
Domestic turkey is raised with the purpose of meat, eggs, feathers, manure, guarding, pest control, show, and pets. Its place of origin is Mexico.
29. Goldfish

The cluster of goldfish is Chordata and Cypriniformes is its order. The genus of the goldfish is Carassius and its species is C. auratus. Its trinomial name is Carassius auratus. The class of goldfish is Actinopterygii.
Goldfish are raised with the purpose of racing, show, pest control, pets, and ornamental. Its place of arise is China.
30. Domestic Rabbit

The cluster of a domestic rabbit is Chordata and Lagomorpha is the order of this animal. The genus of the domestic rabbit is Oryctolagus and its species is O. cuniculus. Its trinomial name is Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus. The class of domestic rabbits is Mammalia.
This domestic rabbit is raised with the purpose of meat, pets, fibre, pelts, manure, lawn mowing, show, racing, weed control, and research. Europe is the place of origin of this rabbit.
31. Koi

The cluster of Koi is Chordata and Cypriniformes is the order of this domestic animal. The Genus of Koi is Cyprinus and its species is C. rubrofuscus. Its trinomial name is Cyprinus rubrofuscus var. The class of Koi is Actinopterygii.
Koi is raised with the purpose of ornamental, show, and pets. Japan is the place of origin of these fish.
32. Domestic Canary

The cluster of the domestic canary is Chordata and Passeriformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic canary is Serinus and its species is S. Canaria. Its trinomial name is Serinus canaria domestica. The class of domestic canary is Aves.
The domestic canary is raised with the purpose of fighting, research, show, pets, and coal mining. Europe is the place of origin of this bird.
33. Society Finch

The cluster of society finch is Chordata and Passeriformes is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the society finch is Lonchura and its species is L. striata. Its trinomial name is Lonchura striata domestica. The class of society finch is Aves.
This bird is raised with the purpose of pets, show, and research. Japan is its place of origin of society finch.
34. Fancy Mouse

The cluster of the fancy mouse is Chordata and Rodentia is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the fancy mouse is Mus and its species is M. musculus. Its trinomial name is Mus musculus domestica. The class of fancy mouse is Mammalia.
The fancy mouse are raised with the purpose of animal feed, research, show, pets, and racing. Its place of origin is China.
35. Domestic Mink

The cluster of domestic mink is Chordata and Carnivora is the order of this domestic animal. The genus of the domestic mink is Neogale and its species is N. vison. Its trinomial name is Neogale vison. The class of domestic mink is Mammalia.
These domestic minks are raised with the purpose of fur, hunting, pest control, and pets. North America is its place of origin.
36. Domesticated Hedgehog

The cluster of domesticated hedgehogs is Chordata and Eulipotyphla is its order. The genus of the domesticated hedgehog is Erinaceus. Its trinomial name is Erinaceinae. The class of this domestic animal is Mammalia. Its place of arise is Eastern Africa.
37. Domesticated Striped Skunk

The cluster of domesticated striped skunks is Chordata and Carnivora is its order. The genus of the animal is Mephitis, and it belongs to M. mephitis species. Its trinomial name is Mephitis. The class of domesticated striped skunk is Mammalia. North America is its place of origin.
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