bopscrk (Before Outset PaSsword CRacKing) is a tool to generate smart and powerful wordlists for targeted attacks.
Included in BlackArch Linux pentesting distribution and Rawsec's Cybersecurity Inventory since August 2019.
Targeted-attack wordlist creator: introduce personal info related to target, combines every word and transforms results into possible passwords. The lyricpass module allows to search lyrics related to artists and include them to the wordlists.
Customizable case and leet transforms: create custom charsets and transforms patterns trough a simple config file.
Wordlists exclusion: Exclude words from another wordlist (to avoid passwords that you have already tested).
Interactive mode and one-line command interface supported.
- Python 3 (secondary branch keeps Python 2.7 legacy support)
- optional - to use
pip install requirements.txt
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --interactive interactive mode, the script will ask you about target
-w words to combine comma-separated (non-interactive mode)
--min min length for the words to generate (default: 4)
--max max length for the words to generate (default: 32)
-c, --case enable case transformations
-l, --leet enable leet transformations
-n max amount of words to combine each time (default: 2)
-a , --artists artists to search song lyrics (comma-separated)
-x , --exclude exclude all the words included in other wordlists
(several wordlists should be comma-separated)
-o , --output output file to save the wordlist (default: tmp.txt)
-C , --config specify config file to use (default: ./bopscrk.cfg)
How it works
- You have to provide some words which will act as a base.
- The lyricpass feature allows to introduce artists. The tool will download all his songs' lyrics and each line will be added as a new word. By default, artist names and a word formed by the initial of word on each phrase, will be added too.
- The tool will generate all possible combinations between them.
- To generate more combinations, it will add some common separators (e.g. "-", "_", "."), numbers and special chars frequently used in passwords.
- You can use leet and case transforms to increase your chances.
- You can provide wordlists that you have already tested against the target in order to exclude all this words from the resultant wordlist (
- Fields can be left empty.
- You can use accentuation in your words.
- In the others field you can write several words comma-separated. Example: 2C,Flipper.
- If you want to produce all possible leet transformations, enable the recursive_leet option in configuration file.
- You can select which transforms to apply on lyrics phrases found trough the cfg file.
- Using the non-interactive mode, you should provide years in the long and short way (1970,70) to get the same result than the interactive mode.
- You have to be careful with -n argument. If you set a big value, it could result in too huge wordlists. I recommend values between 2 and 5.
- To provide several artist names through command line you should provides it comma-separated. Example:
-a johndoe,johnsmith
- To provide artist names with spaces through command line you should provides it quotes-enclosed. Example:
-a "john doe,john smith"
This feature is based in a modified version of a tool developed originally by initstring. The changes are made to integrate input and output's tool with bopscrk.
It will retrieve all lyrics from all songs which belongs to artists that you provide. By default it will store each artist, each phrase found with space substitution, each phrase found reduced to its initials (which will be transformed later if you have activated leet and case transforms).
Advanced usage
Customizing behaviour using .cfg file
file you can specify your own charsets and enable/disable options:- threads: number of threads to use in multithreaded operations
- extra_combinations (like
(john, doe) => 123john, john123, 123doe, doe123, john123doe doe123john
) are enabled by default. You can disable it in the configuration file in order to get more focused wordlists. - separators_chars: characters to use in extra-combinations. Can be a single char or a string of chars, e.g.:
- separators_strings: strings to use in extra-combinations. Can be a single string or a list of strings space-separated, e.g.:
[email protected]
- leet_charset: characters to replace and correspondent substitute in leet transforms, e.g.:
e:3 b:8 t:7 a:4
- recursive_leet: enables a recursive call to leet_transforms() function to get all possible leet transforms (disabled by default). WARNING: enabled with huge --max parameters (e.g.: greater than 18) could take several minutes. Can be true or false.
- remove_parenthesis: remove all parenthesis in lyrics found before any transform
- take_initials: produce words based on initial of each word in lyric phrases found (if enabled with remove_parenthesis disabled, it can produce useless words)
- artist_split_by_word: split artist names and add each word as a new one
- lyric_split_by_word: same with lyrics found
- artist_space_replacement: replace spaces in artist names with chars/strings defined in charset
- lyric_space_replacement: same with lyrics found
- space_replacement_chars: characters to insert instead of spaces inside an artist name or a lyric phrase. Can be a single char or a string of chars, e.g.:
- space_replacement_strings: strings to insert instead of spaces inside an artist name or a lyric phrase. Can be a single string or a list of strings space-separated, e.g.:
[email protected]
Some transforms have extensive charsets preincluded. To use it instead of the basic, just uncomment the corresponding line.
Parameters configuration examples
- Combine all the words using dots as separator, and same using commas
- Convert all "a/A" occurrences into "4" and all "e/E" occurrences into "3"
leet_charset=a:4 e:3
- Combine all the words using dots as separator, and same using commas
Weighted-words system
[...] Coming soon [...]
2.3.1 version notes
- fixing namespace bug (related to module, renamed to when running on windows systems
- unittest (and simple unitary tests for transforms, excluders and combinators functions) implemented.
2.3 version notes (15/10/2020)
- Customizable configuration for artists and lyrics transforms using the cfg file
- Requirements at updated
- Multithreads logic improved
- Leet and case order reversed to improve operations efficiency
- BUG FIXED in lyrics space replacement
- BUG FIXED when remove duplicates (Type Error: unhashable type: 'list')
- Memory management and efficiency improved
- SPLIT INTO MODULES to improve project structure
- BUG FIXED in wordlists-exclusion feature
2.2 version notes (11/10/2020
- Configuration file implemented
- NEW FEATURE: Allow to create custom charsets and transforms patterns trough the config file
- NEW FEATURE: Recursive leet transforms implemented (disabled by default, can be enabled in cfg file)
2.2~beta version notes (10/10/2020)
- The lyricpass integration have been updated to run with last version released by initstring
option removed (feature integrated in other options)
2.1 version notes (11/07/2020)
- Fixing min and max length bug
2.0/1.5 version notes (17/06/2020)
- PYTHON 3 NOW IS SUPPORTED: master branch moves to Python 3. Secondary branch keeps Python 2.7 legacy support
0-1.2(beta) version notes
- EXCLUDE WORDLISTS: speed improvement using multithreaded exclusions
- NEW FEATURE: lyrics searching related to artists increase the wordlist chances
TO-DO list
- Implement weighted-words system.
- Create options to custom case transforms (e.g.: disable pair/odd transforms).
- Lyricpass integration was upgraded to last version released by initstring, but still needs some tweaks to speed up the search process (I would appreciate any help).
Legal disclaimer
This tool is created for the sole purpose of security awareness and education, it should not be used against systems that you do not have permission to test/attack. The author is not responsible for misuse or for any damage that you may cause. You agree that you use this software at your own risk.
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