AF-ShellHunter its a script designed to automate the search of WebShell's in AF Team
How to
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 --help
Basic Usage
You can run shellhunter in two modes
- --url -u When scanning a single url
- --file -f Scanning multiple URLs at once
Example searching webshell with burpsuite proxy, hiding string "404" with a size between 100 and 1000 chars
└─$ python3 -u https://xxxxxxxxxx -hs "404" -p burp --greater-than 100 --smaller-than 1000
Running AF-Team ShellHunt 1.1.0
URL: https://xxxxxxxxxx
Showing only: 200, 302
Threads: 20
Not showing coincidence with: 404
Proxy: burp
Greater than: 100
Smaller than: 1000
Found https://xxxxxxxxxx/system.php len: 881
File configuration for multiple sites
en mantenimiento' with size between 100 and 1000 chars [burp] "302" "200", not show-string "página en mantenimiento", greater-than 100, smaller-than 1000 [noproxy]> # ShellHunt will add 'http:// ">
# How to?
# set country block with [country], please read user_files/config.txt
# 'show-response-code "option1" "option2"' -> show responses with those status codes, as -sc
# 'show-string' -> show match with that string, as -ss
# 'show-regex' -> show match with regex, as -sr
# use 'not' for not showing X in above options, as -h[option]
# 'greater-than' -> Show response greater than X, as -gt ( --greater-than )
# 'smaller-than' -> Show responses smaller than X, as -st ( --smaller-than )
# Example searching webshell with BurpSuite proxy. 302, 200 status code, not showing results w/ 'página en mantenimiento' with size between 100 and 1000 chars
https://banco.phishing->show-response-code "302" "200", not show-string "página en mantenimiento", greater-than 100, smaller-than 1000
[noproxy]> # ShellHunt will add 'http://
Setting your proxies and custom headers
Android 8.0.0; SM-G960F Build/R16NW) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.84 Mobile Safari/537.36 Referer? # Bypass referer protection [PROXIES] burp?, ">
User-Agent? Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; SM-G960F Build/R16NW) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.84 Mobile Safari/537.36
Referer? # Bypass referer protection
Other features
- Filter by regex
- Filter by string
- Filter by HTTP Status code
- Filter by length
- Custom Headers
- Custom proxy or proxy block for URL file
- Multithreading ( custom workers number )
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