Like I always did for the past few years, it's time to reward my blog readers who leave the most comments in my blog as a token of appreciation. Here are the list of name for this year top commentators:
Top Commentators For The Year 2015
1) Twilight Man from Twilight Zone
2) Small Kucing & Mamarazzi from Small Kucing
3) J-Mei from Interesting Corner of Me
4) Cubie from The Cube (I still owe yours last year, I remember. Sorry for that. Will figure out how to send to you)
5) Agnes from Precious Moments6) Ng Choi Yen from Mimi's Dining Room
Unlike what I did previously, this year I decided not to reveal what are the gifts I will be giving away so that you be intrigued with the unexpected surprises. So for the six readers mentioned as above, kindly please comment below as acknowledgement. Plus, remember to leave your name, mailing address and contact number to my new email address: within 14 days from the date of this blogpost posted.
Once again from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for the wonderful comments and lovely notes you guys left at this little humble blog of mine. I'm truly appreciate each and every comments as it serves as a feedback for me to improve better for the coming days.
Before I end my final and last blogpost for the year 2015, I wish all my blog readers
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