1. No room for negativity. Whether it be a person, thing or situation- keep in mind you are in charge of your own happiness. Enter every situation with good intentions and positivity. Realize when someone is not respecting your 'bubble of positivity', they are only projecting their insecurities. The happiest people are the most secure people. Realize when something goes wrong, it's a chance to learn or turn things around.
The "No Beef with Nobody" Holiday Prime Rib |
3. Gratitude. Be thankful and gracious. Count your blessings and they will multiply. Truth is, I used to think this was horrible advice. I would try it and wouldn't immediately feel 'better'. I've realized that gratitude is a way of life. Give yourself permission to be upset, sad or angry and then move on. Be thankful for the time spent with friends and family, everyday.
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